I’m Afraid of Change

Change is an inevitable part of life.

It happens every single day and I’m used to the little changes – how some days I feel energized and happy and other days I feel sluggish and restless – but the big changes make me run in fear.

Since being an adult, I’ve already experienced a lot of big life changes, but there’s one coming up that feels bigger than any other to date.

I’m graduating with my Master’s Degree.

I don’t intend to go back to school so for the first time in . . . my entire life, school is off the table. I wont’ be in it and I won’t be planning to go back to it.

I’ll be forging a completely new path for my life.



Logically, I know that this is good because change is healthy. Emotionally, I feel resistant and uninspired.

Logically, I know that there are myriad options available to me. Emotionally, I feel that I’m going to log in to job boards and find absolutely nothing available for my skill set.

Logically, I already know what I want to do and that there will be plenty of places where I can apply. Emotionally, I feel like I’m just lying to myself so that it will seem like I have a plan.

Change means making decisions.

And I’m not great at trusting my intuition or believing that I’m capable of making good choices. 

I’m not going to be able to get through this upcoming change if I talk to myself like that, though.

Reframing how I speak to myself is going to be a big part of barreling through this next year. I’ve gotten really proficient at being kind to myself in regards to my personality, but I still need to work on being kinder to myself when it comes to my abilities and dreams.

Facing change requires being kind to yourself.

Instead of saying “I’m afraid of change” I can start telling myself:

“I’m capable of making smart choices and facing this change with confidence.”

Even better I can say:

“I make smart choices and face change with confidence.”


Change is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn’t have to be scary. It can be exciting and it is a great opportunity for personal growth and development.

Is there a big change coming up in your life? What’s a positive mantra you can repeat to yourself to help you get through it?